Thursday, November 12, 2009

Every Moment is His

I love it when God touches you at the most ordinary, mundane moments and claims them for Himself.

This morning our local Christian radio station interviewed Chris Tomlin, and he talked, among other things, about a new Christmas album he has released for this holiday season. I need to get my hands on this one!

One moment in the interview that I cannot get out of my mind came when he was discussing the lyrics to one of the songs, Emmanuel (Hallowed Manger Ground). He talked about how God was silent to his people for about 400 years between the Old and New Testaments. Then the silence was the sound of a crying baby.

What a beautiful picture that painted.

Thank you for sharing that, Chris. God spoke to me in my car through your words and made my daily commute extraordinary today.


Jennifer @ said...

What a beautiful thought. Thank you for sharing it. ...

Essay said...

Thank you for sharing, I like it worth reading.